Thursday, October 30, 2008


After four years of anticipation, Wal-Mart is finally here! Apparently there isn't a bigger Wal-Mart on the entire east coast. I tried so hard to get the entire store in the picture, and couldn't do it. We are thrilled that this is a "Super" Wal-Mart, and we will be able to purchase groceries (even produce!) that are the best prices around. Although we didn't purchase any groceries today, we did buy Abigail a "sleep sack" to keep her warm, a Leap Frog video "Letter Sounds" (thanks, Fibia, for the recommendation), and - of course - a Cars movie car "Crew Chief Doc Hudson". Come to think of it . . . maybe a Wal-Mart 1 mile away isn't going to save us any money after all.
Isaac really liked the new Wal-Mart. He kept on asking if we were at the mall. There was an arcade room, where Isaac and Keith pretended to play the game . . . I don't think Isaac knew he wasn't really playing.
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