Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treating . . . cont.

Although tentative at first, Isaac quickly grasped the concept of trick or treating. After the second house, he began saying "let's go to nuther house, let's do it again!"
As the candy began to accumulate he began to exclaim "Oh, WOW!" every time he left a door.
About halfway through our neighborhood, Isaac began to have a difficult time walking. I (Lindy) became concerned that maybe he sprained or twisted his ankle somehow. Keith took off his shoe and found nothing wrong, but Isaac continued to struggle. We finally concluded that it was the weight of the bucket that was hindering him! He had so much candy that he could no longer carry his bucket without struggling. We offered to carry it for him, but Isaac refused. Maybe he was concerned, and rightly so, that we would take some of his candy : )
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