Monday, April 20, 2009

Beach Day!

We had our first beach day of the year on Saturday! In the morning we did chores around the house, and it was so beautiful outside so we decided to go to the beach for the afternoon.

We had a great time as a family, and with our friends Dave, Sarah, and their kids David and Owen.

Mommy's girlie
The water was freezing!! Isaac went in only up to his ankles, but I still don't understand how he tolerated it!
These two had a great time.
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Maura said...

Looks like you had tons of fun! What a great weekend! And I love the new picture of Abigail and Isaac at the top of your blog. Beautiful!

Sarah said...

Fun times! I love the picture of you and Abby. The girls. :)

I was blessed to see the picture I took on the top of your blog. That made my day. :) Love you friend!