Thursday, May 7, 2009

9 1/2 Months Old!

Abigail had her 9 month check-up yesterday though technically her 9 month birthday was 2 weeks ago. She is really growing! Her head is above the 95th percentile (no surprise, my kids have big heads), her length is 90th percentile, and her weight is right on the 50th percentile.

Abby is also doing so many more things than just a few months ago. She claps and waves (too cute!). She is crawling on all fours, pulling herself up, cruising on furniture, and going up steps. She eats almost anything we put in front of her, including peas and green beans. She loves Cheerios as well. We are enjoying Abigail and Isaac so much!

I took these pics this morning when she woke up. Abby is almost always very excited when we get her up in the morning, and after naps.

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InDeeds said...


Maura said...

so cute....look at the great smile!